Изменена: 2021-06-13
Ключевые слова
1. I.V. Leshukova Operational production planning / Innovative Science. - 2016. №5-2 (17). P. 128-130.
2. O.Z. Lobkovskaya, N.M. Rudneva Features of operational-production planning at enterprises / Bulletin of the International Academy of System Research. Informatics, Ecology, Economics. - 2015. №2. P. 84-88.
3. D.A. Shageev, E.S. Kolotukhina Methodology of evaluation and improvement of the effectiveness of the implementation of management processes at the enterprise / Bulletin of the South Ural State University. Series: Economics and Management. - 2018. №4-12. P. 148-163.
4. T.G. Ryzhakina Enterprise Planning. - Tomsk: Tomsk Polytechnic University Press, 2015. - 193 p.
5. E.A. Skornyakova, V.Sh. Sulaberidze Problems of automation of production planning process / Science-intensive technologies in space research of earth. - 2019. №1. P. 78-85.
6. L.V. Mikhailova, N.V. Arsenieva, O.I. Tregubova Method of enterprise activity planning based on Gantt chart / Bulletin of Moscow State Regional University. Series: Economics. - 2017. №1. P. 64-69.
7. I.V. Ershova, T.A. Mineeva, E.V. Cherepanova; under general editorship of I.V. Ershova Operational-production planning: textbook for students studying for 150700 - Mechanical Engineering and 27.04.06 - Organization and Management of Science-intensive Productions. - Yekaterinburg: Publishing house of the Ural University, 2016. - 94 p.