Информационные технологии интеллектуальной поддержки принятия решений, Информационные технологии интеллектуальной поддержки принятия решений 2019

Размер шрифта: 
The Concept of Application of Adaptive Simulation Models in the Formulation of Regional Development Strategy
Marsel Nizamutdinov, Valdimir Oreshnikov

Изменена: 2021-02-21


The article deals with the formulation of the regional development strategy. An approach to the justification of the parameters of the economic and mathematical model of the regional system is proposed. This model can be used to predict the socio-economic development of the region. The generalized scheme of the formation of adaptive behavior of the economic agent within the framework of the developed model are offered. The functional scheme of adaptive simulation model of the region is described. This scheme includes blocks of the assessment of a situation, the description of dynamic processes, formation of the balance ratios, the description of certain areas of the life of society, the monitoring, etc. The algorithms for the development of the model core tools and the formation of the regional development strategy are proposed. The preparatory stage, stage of the economic and mathematical model of the parameters of regional management development, stage of the algorithms of determination of the parameters of regional management development, stage of an integration of the received models are identified in the framework of the development of the model core tools. Eight key stages are identified as part of the development of the algorithms for the formation of the regional development strategy. The place of the proposed model tools is determined at each stage.

Ключевые слова

economic and mathematical modeling; region; economic agent; functional scheme; regional development strategies; algorithm of formation strategy; adaptive simulation model


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