Информационные технологии интеллектуальной поддержки принятия решений, Информационные технологии интеллектуальной поддержки принятия решений 2019

Размер шрифта: 
Dynamic Model of Controlling the Behavior of an Economic Agent Using the Mechanism of Self-Regulation of Resource Flows
Bariy Ilyasov, Elena Makarova, Elena Zakieva, Elvira Gabdullina

Изменена: 2021-02-21


The problem of development of the analytical system of simulation modeling (ASSM) of functioning processes of the economic system investigated at the macro level is considered. The structure of the complex of dynamic models of economic agents, which are considered at the macro level and presented in the form of firms, households (population), banks and the state, is presented. The concept of dynamic non-equilibrium mode of functioning of the macroeconomic system (MES) is introduced. The system principles for constructing dynamic models of behavior of macroeconomic agents (MEA) are stated. The dynamic model of the controlled behavior of the MEA which is analyzed from the standpoint of various approaches that demands performance of a number of transformations of the scheme of dynamic model is presented. The three variants of interpretation of the scheme of the dynamic model of the MEA behavior (from the standpoint of economic theory, control theory and systems theory) allowed to reveal the regularities of the MEA behavior in non-equilibrium modes. It is shown that non-equilibrium modes arising in the behavior of one agent extend to other agents. The proposed algorithm provides the restoration of the dynamic equilibrium mode of the whole MES. The application of controlled dynamic models of the MEA and the developed ASSM is advisable as a research system for the purpose of analyzing different management scenarios of the functioning process of the MES as a whole.

Ключевые слова

dynamic model; economic agents; reserves of resources; self-regulation mechanism; system approach; management


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