Информационные технологии интеллектуальной поддержки принятия решений, Информационные технологии интеллектуальной поддержки принятия решений 2019

Размер шрифта: 
Intelligent Method of the Automated Design of Technological Processes of Machining
Alexey Lutov, Yuri Ryabov, Rinat Shaydullin

Изменена: 2021-02-21


The paper presents an intelligent method of computer-aided design of technological processes of mechanical processing, based on the principles of an intelligent approach to information processing and the use of knowledge systems in solving technological design problems. A unified approach to the design of technological processes is proposed, implemented through a graph model representing the relationships between data. When developing operations, structural synthesis is used based on successive chains of knowledge of transitions. For this purpose, knowledge elements have been created and are described in the XSD language. Elements of knowledge of technological transitions determine the technological actions associated with the processing of the elementary surfaces of the part. The practical implementation of chains of executive transitions is proposed to be implemented using functional programming. To implement the digital transformation of the technological preparation of mechanical processing using the intelligent approach, a method of forming a prototype of the technological process was developed.

Ключевые слова

Intelligent method; graph model; technological process; knowledge element; functional design; functional programming; synthesis; XSD language;


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