Информационные технологии интеллектуальной поддержки принятия решений, Информационные технологии интеллектуальной поддержки принятия решений 2019

Размер шрифта: 
Simulation of Watercourse Direction on Underlying Surface of Slope Lands
Sergey Vasilyev

Изменена: 2021-02-21


The author of the article considers that the water flow direction changes depending on the rate of the flow moving on the studied surface. The technology for simulating a watercourse direction on the underlying surface using the source method was developed. According to the results of the processed data the Cobb-Douglas-type nonlinear multiplicative function with the highest determination coefficient of 0,721 appeared to be the most accurate one for describing the erosion process. The analysis of the dependence obtained shows that with the water flow rate change by an average 1 %, the deflection angle of the water flow direction increases by an average 4,24% and the deflection angle of the water flow increases by an average 1,32% with the water rate increase by 1%.

Ключевые слова

simulation; watercourse; surface; lands


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