Изменена: 2018-06-20
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1. Asif M.S., A. Ayremlou, A. Sankaranarayanan, A. Veeraraghavan, R. Baraniuk FlatCam: Thin, Lensless Cameras Using Coded Aperture and Computation // IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging – 2017 – P. 384–397.
2. Zomet A., Nayar S.K. Lensless imaging with a controllable aperture. In Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition // Proceedings of IEEE Computer Society Conference – 2006 –V.1 – P. 339-346.
3. Maeda Y., Dobashi H., Sugiyama Y., Saeki T., Lim T.K., Harada M., Tanaka T. Colony fingerprint for discrimination of microbial species based on lensless imaging of microcolonies // PloS one Journal, – 2017 – V.12 – № 4.
4. Antipa N., Kuo G., Ng R., Waller L. 3D DiffuserCam: Single-Shot Compressive Lensless Imaging // Computational Optical Sensing and Imaging. Optical Society of America – 2017.
5. Gal O., Gmar M., Ivanov O.P., Lainé F., Lamadie F., Le Goaller C., Stepanov V.E. Development of a portable gamma camera with coded aperture // Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment – 2006 – P. 233-237.
6. Ma C., Suo J., Dai Q., Raskar R., Wetzstein G. High-rank coded aperture projection for extended depth of field // In Computational Photography (ICCP) – 2013 – P. 1-9.
7. Liu M., Breuel T., Kautz J. Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation Networks // NIPS 2017 Spotlight, arXiv:1703.00848 2017
8. Wu J., Zhang C., Xue T., Freeman B., Tenenbaum, J. Learning a probabilistic latent space of object shapes via 3d generative-adversarial modelling // Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems – 2016 – P. 82-90.
9. Liang M., Hu X. Recurrent Convolutional Neural Network for Object Recognition // Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition – 2015 – P. 3367-3375