Изменена: 2018-06-20
Ключевые слова
1. Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 28, 2017 N 1632-r "On the approval of the program "Digital Economy of the Russian Federation".
2. Teibaykina N.I. Application of the concept of ITSM in the introduction of information systems: a tutorial / Ekaterinburg: Publishing house Ural. University, 2014. - 72 p.
3. Kulikov G.G., Shilina M.A., Barmin A.A., Startsev G.V., Shamidanov D.G. A method for structuring the content of a heterogeneous information space on the basis of a formalized domain model for solving intellectual search problems. // Bulletin of the South Ural State University. Series: Computer technologies, management, radio electronics. 2018. T. 18. No. 1. S. 5-16.
4. Rechkalov A.V., Artyukhov A.V., Rizvanov K.A. The concept of the structural and information organization of the situational center for the operational management of the machine-building division with territorially distributed production // Bulletin of the UMO. Economics, statistics and informatics. MESI, No. 3, 2014. P. 192-195.
5. Guzairov M.B., Kulikov G.G., Rizvanov K.A. The structural model information system for the production planning // CSIT 2014, Moscow-Sheffield, England, 2014, Vol. 1, p. - 10-16 /
6. Kulikov G.G., Rizvanov K.A., Denisova S.S. The architecture of the integrated information model for the development, production and operation of GTE in conjunction with its automatic control, monitoring and diagnostic system / ISSN 1998-6629. Bulletin of the Samara State Aerospace University named after Academician S.P. The Queen No. 3 (19) Part 1. 2009, p. 244-252.
7. Kulikov G.G., Rizvanov K.A. Organization of planning system of machine-building corporation on the basis of system model of virtual production // Scientific horizons - 2015 Materials of the XI International scientific and practical conference. 2015. P. 69-74.
8. Kulikov G.G., Rizvanov K.A., Khristolubov V.L. About the organization of the Uniform Information Space / CSIT 2010, Moscow-St. Peterburg, Vol. 2, p. 27-30th
9. Kulikov GG, Rizvanov K.A., Hristolyubov V.L. Organization of a common information space for distributed execution of projects in the aircraft engine industry / Bulletin of the USATU: at-uch. Jour. USATU. Ser. Management in social and economic systems. 2012. T.16, No. 6 (51). Pp. 202-210.